brainstorm sessions
first proposal

Some sounds can be (or even better be) recorded after filming. Has to be edited over the original film anyway.

Like all sounds on the street --> need to be prepared in the sense that it doesn't get too much work after filming. But we don't know yet what'll actually be on the street when we're filming. Better use what we see instead of putting a lot of work in making the sounds which don't suit the film in the end.
Practical remarks:

For props that don't have to be designed much other than having no text showing, I'm making a couple of stickers to cover up text in the shots for both medication and food products

--> might be nice if they do show a sound wave image or something? For my preparation I'll discuss these visuals with Justien.
Great idea! I will do the same for the streetname signs (for the loud world.)
Does he replay the message to record it? or does he stop the recording, gets his voicebox and replays it again?
small detail about the sounds coming from the medicine cabinet: it's just brands and slogans, no side effects. (those will only be heard a bit later. Because touch = triggering info)