Beijing International Design Triennia.

website full of 'what if' projects. Good to have a look to see some outcomes.
brainstorm sessions
Mi have een droom - Future language
Middeleeuwse taal app
Daan Roosegaarde
4D printing - what if?
Sono Noise Cancelling
Body as password
Messaging through touch
Computers / Machines using vision
Communication via morse code (sound) The basics are old but effective.

"Morse Code offers an alternative methodology of reading and writing information. Not only limited to fingers, but the information can be inputted by our gestures, motion, exhalation and many more."
Marina Abramovic:
Artist is Present
- to show intuitive communication
Interactive "Metro"
Recognizing Emotions in Speech
Recognizing speakers by voice
Nickel van Duijvenboden
Soundproofing your Apartment
Physicality and intimacy through sound and touch
The Impact of Communication Technology on Lying Behavior
Lectures Introduction
Article: How to tell if someone is lying.
On Writing vs. Speaking
Voice drawing
WTPh? (What the Phonics)
Talking tree
Excitement clothing
When the heat is on
Smartphone on your body
To ‘see’ sound

"Quayola & Sinigaglia is a collaborative duo whom continually explores new relationships between sound and image where both languages share form and meaning."
Uw persoonlijke data zijn goud waard
Visual soundwaves, visual inspraion
Future navigation; feel your way around
3D Dashboard Map, navigation as a friendly companion
Soundwave Postcards
Textfree browsing
Akoustische panelen
Visualization of what music feels like
visual inspiration soundwaves. texture shows the touch (sound)
more visual inspiration soundwaves.
copying sound. Jannetjes favorite bird
Man forced to watch concert through his own eyes
4 ways to detect lying
Reading facial expressions
Philips Dick - Sales Pitch

Short story about advertising in a world where brands can get into you head.
If you want to read it, search for the 2nd 'sales pitch' in the file
Why voice matters !important!
This weekend in TENT: Radio art
- Art based on use of sound
SportWatch with navigation
Vector files: sound waves
Brilliant "interview" about confusing use of language
Lichaamskleur verraadt agressie van kameleon
6 Universal Emotions
Good navigation app. &flipping through files part is nice!
Beautiful way of navigating.
first proposal
Documentary about nature, music and technology